Today, we’re officially launching the Center for Cultural Humility (CHUM)! CHUM was developed through the support of the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI) at Cornell. The core focus of CHUM will be to deliver rich, interactive trainings and programming that centers around the idea of cultural humility. And what’s cultural humility? The simplest and most on-the-nose answer: It’s an evidence-based approach to improving your ability to interact, engage, and relate to one another… namely people coming from a different cultural background than you.

CHUM will offer five types of programming: 1) cultural humility training (our flagship service a.k.a. our “Big Mac”); 2) anti-racism training; 3) equitable research design training; 4) community partner matching; and 5) citizen science training. All of our programs, designed with the counsel and energy of community members, are aimed at generating and strengthening the capacity of people to do equity-related work-whether that’s in relation to research, clinical practice, policy, business, or everyday interactions.

Please visit us at, or email us at to discuss ways to get involved.

You can also check out CHUM on Twitter and Instagram.